Sunday, May 31, 2009

Trails, falls, and summer time hikes...

We started the summer out trying to visit a new hiking spot every weekend. Since this is our last summer here in Washington, we are taking advantage of all the views with some amazing family time with one another. This also happens to be the ONLY summer Michael has been home and not out at sea with a ship since we've been stationed here!



Otte, Party of Five said...

these are such good pics :) i wish we were as "outdoorsy" as you-guys... we're lazy!

Gramma 2 Many said...

Which waterfall is that one? The last set of pictures. I am seriously frightened of big ones, Can take gentle little ones but not the biggies. You know we ususally go with a huge group of people and I worry about some little one getting away. Also my sister died at Sunset Falls up near Index. Years ago.
Love the pictures, I think you could have them enlarged and framed.